In cities with strong rent and eviction control laws, like San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley landlords must have a “just ... Continue Reading
In cities with eviction-control regulations like San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley, owners can attempt to evict a tenant using what ... Continue Reading
An owner move-in eviction (OMI) occurs when a landlord takes possession of a rental unit for themselves or a close ... Continue Reading
San Francisco landlords can end a tenant’s tenancy through a relative or owner move-in (OMI) eviction. An OMI eviction is ... Continue Reading
There are many laws in place to protect the rights of tenants, including laws that dictate how a landlord must ... Continue Reading
It can make you nervous when you hear the news that your landlord is selling the building or house where ... Continue Reading
For more information or to discuss your legal situation, call us today at (415) 649-6203 for a phone consultation or submit an inquiry below. Please note our firm can only assist tenants residing in San Francisco, Oakland & Berkeley.