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As soon as we started receiving calls from our landlord that we needed to leave, I knew we were going to need some legal assistance. When I first met Daniel, I knew he was leading us in the right direction. He didn't make any big promises like other eviction lawyers we had dealt with in the past, but he did get ALL the facts and information and promised to look into every avenue possible to fight for our home. He was honest about the hard stuff and hopeful about the good stuff. Although we are now in a new fight with the new owners, Daniel didn't let our old landlord bully us out, which was our first victory in the SF eviction crisis we're facing. I highly recommend Daniel to anyone who is lost in the legal jargon or threats of a landlord or a landlord's attorney. He will help you sort it out and at the very least, give you an honest opinion about where you stand. He's a good person and has left my household feeling good about seeking legal representation in the future. Thanks Daniel!

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