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Julia H.

Julia H.



Julia H.

Daniel is wonderful! Not only is he an expert on local rental laws and renters' rights, he's well versed in the nuances and ruling history of our local rental board - ensuring you focus your efforts where they are most likely to succeed. My master tenant was attempting to evict me, so I was seeking legal advice while also trying to retain a positive relationship with my roommate- not an easy task! Daniel understands that having a happy home is very important. He gave thorough yet measured advice that helped me to maintain a positive roommate dynamic. This is a great skill to have in an attorney who specializes in securing the most critical thing in your life: the roof over your head. Daniel's prices were more than reasonable and the guidance I received was priceless. He is truly committed to protecting the housing rights of the little guy in SF - the middle and working classes. Thank you, Daniel!

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For more information or to discuss your legal situation, call us today at (415) 649-6203 for a phone consultation or submit an inquiry below. Please note our firm can only assist tenants residing in San Francisco, Oakland & Berkeley.

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