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Category Archives: Evictions

What to Do When Your Landlord Tries to Kick You Out

What to Do When Your Landlord Tries to Kick You Out

There are times when a landlord tries to get rid of you or force you out of your lease without ... Continue Reading

What to Do When Your Landlord is Selling Your Building or House

What to Do When Your Landlord is Selling Your Building or House

It can make you nervous when you hear the news that your landlord is selling the building or house where ... Continue Reading

What is a Just Cause Eviction in San Francisco?

What is a Just Cause Eviction in San Francisco?

There are detailed procedures a landlord must follow when evicting a tenant, even if the eviction is necessary or justified. ... Continue Reading

A Look at Constructive Evictions and Uninhabitable Conditions

A Look at Constructive Evictions and Uninhabitable Conditions

Whenever you rent or lease a unit from a landlord, you're guaranteed habitable conditions. This means that your space must ... Continue Reading

Can a Tenant be Evicted for Hoarding?

Can a Tenant be Evicted for Hoarding?

In the landlord and tenant relationship, both parties have their own responsibilities and duties. While a landlord is required to ... Continue Reading

What Are the Just-Cause Eviction Reasons in SF?

What Are the Just-Cause Eviction Reasons in SF?

Just-cause eviction reasons exist in San Francisco to give landlords an opportunity to legally remove tenants for different reasons. Some ... Continue Reading

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For more information or to discuss your legal situation, call us today at (415) 649-6203 for a phone consultation or submit an inquiry below. Please note our firm can only assist tenants residing in San Francisco, Oakland & Berkeley.

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