PROTECTING YOUR RENT CONTROLLED APARTMENT With rents in San Francisco among the highest in the country, rent controlled units have ... Continue Reading
Ellis Act eviction of elderly tenants from their 34 year tenancy featured on NBC Bay Area: http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Elderly-Couple-Out-of-Housing-Options-if-Evicted-Out-of-SF-Apartment-225140562.html... Continue Reading
The auspiciously dubbed "landlords from hell" Kip and Nicole Macy are facing prison time for acts that include pouring ammonia ... Continue Reading
The San Francisco Examiner published an article today reporting that evictions in San Francisco have climbed to a 12-year high ... Continue Reading
For more information or to discuss your legal situation, call us today at (415) 649-6203 for a phone consultation or submit an inquiry below. Please note our firm can only assist tenants residing in San Francisco, Oakland & Berkeley.