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Welcome Intake Coordinator & Legal Assistant Paulina Cerrato

Welcome Intake Coordinator & Legal Assistant Paulina Cerrato

Welcome Intake Coordinator & Legal Assistant Paulina Cerrato


Welcome Intake Coordinator & Legal Assistant Paulina Cerrato

Wolford Wayne is proud to announce the addition of a new intake coordinator and legal assistant—Paulina Cerrato! We are excited to have Paulina's passion for helping others on our team!

A highly experienced translator, online tutor and administrative assistant, Paulina helps with many areas of the firm and hit the ground running when she started here earlier this year. Prior to joining Wolford Wayne, Paulina used her psychology degree in the education industry. Here are some other facts about Paulina for you to get to know her a little better:

  • Volunteer work-- Paulina loves to volunteer, dedicating her time to helping several organizations. She currently volunteers as a translator for Calvary Baptist World Missions as well as Hope For All, which advocates for the well-being of all living things.
  • Hobbies—Paulina is also a PADI Certified Scuba Diver and a “Metromedia” book club member.

Here’s what Paulina has to say about joining Wolford Wayne…

"I am passionate about helping others and fighting for what's right. Wolford Wayne's strong reputation for advocating and protecting tenants' rights across the Bay Area gives me a wonderful  opportunity to help others and grow as a person. I am extremely happy to have joined the team."

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For more information or to discuss your legal situation, call us today at (415) 649-6203 for a phone consultation or submit an inquiry below. Please note our firm can only assist tenants residing in San Francisco, Oakland & Berkeley.

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